Learning about Vulnerable Species in the LICA Region
Government of Alberta Risk Status
To help us understand the stability of Alberta’s wild species and the level of monitoring and protection they may need, each species in Alberta is assigned a status. Secure, May Be at Risk, At Risk, Sensitive, and Undetermined are the species statuses in Alberta.
To receive a status, species go through a dynamic cycle of assessments and status designation. Species re-enter the cycle for assessment when new information becomes available. The cycle forms the basis for management actions to prevent wild species from becoming at risk or to recover populations that are at risk (Government of Alberta, 2024).
In the LICA Region, there are 6 At Risk, 12 May be At Risk, 50 Sensitive, and 12 Undetermined Species.
See the banner below for At Risk and May Be at Risk species in the LICA Region.
Barn Swallow
May Be at Risk
Canada Warbler
May Be at Risk
Canadian Toad
May Be at Risk
Clark's Grebe
May Be at Risk
Lake Sturgeon
At Risk
Little Brown Myotis (Bat)
May Be at Risk
Long-tailed Weasel
May Be at Risk
Northern Myotis (Northern Long-eared Bat)
May Be at Risk
Olive-sided Flycatcher
May Be at Risk
Peregrine Falcon
At Risk
Piping Plover
At Risk
Short-eared Owl
May Be at Risk
Spoonhead Sculpin
May Be at Risk
Western Grebe
At Risk
Western Wood-Pewee
May Be at Risk
Whooping Crane
At Risk
May Be at Risk
Woodland Caribou
At Risk
Sensitive & Undetermined Species
The table below lists sensitive and undetermined species in the LICA Region. Please note this list was derived based on the distribution range of species extending in the LICA Region. There are many more species in Alberta.
- American Bittern: Sensitive
- American Kestrel: Sensitive
- American White Pelican: Sensitive
- Bald Eagle: Sensitive
- Bank Swallow: Sensitive
- Barred Owl: Sensitive
- Bay-breasted Warbler: Sensitive
- Black Tern: Sensitive
- Black-backed Woodpecker: Sensitive
- Black-throated Green Warbler: Sensitive
- Broad-winged Hawk: Sensitive
- Brown Creeper: Sensitive
- Cape May Warbler: Sensitive
- Caspian Tern: Sensitive (During migration)
- Common Nighthawk: Sensitive
- Common Yellowthroat: Sensitive
- Eared Grebe: Sensitive
- Eastern Kingbird: Sensitive
- Eastern Phoebe: Sensitive
- Golden Eagle: Sensitive
- Gray-cheeked Thrush: Undetermined
- Great Blue Heron: Sensitive
- Great Gray Owl: Sensitive
- Great-crested Flycatcher: Sensitive
- Horned Grebe: Sensitive
- Northern Goshawk: Sensitive
- Northern Pygmy Owl: Sensitive
- Pied-billed Grebe: Sensitive
- Pileated Woodpecker: Sensitive
- Purple Martin: Sensitive
- Rusty Blackbird: Sensitive
- Sandhill Crane: Sensitive
- Sharp-tailed Grouse: Sensitive
- Short-billed Dowitcher: Undetermined
- Sora: Sensitive
- Sprague’s Pipit: Sensitive
- Trumpeter Swan: Sensitive
- Virginia Rail: Undetermined
- Western Tanager: Sensitive
- White-winged Scoter: Sensitive
- Yellow Rail: Undetermined
- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher: Undetermined
- American Badger: Sensitive
- Bobcat: Sensitive
- Canada Lynx: Sensitive
- Fisher: Sensitive
- Franklin’s Ground Squirrel: Undetermined
- Hoary Bat: Sensitive
- Red Bat: Sensitive
- Silver-Haired Bat: Sensitive
- Finescale Dace: Undetermined
- Lake Trout: Sensitive
- Logperch: Undermined
- Ninespine Stickleback: Undetermined
- Northern Redbelly Dace: Sensitive
- Pearl Dace: Undetermined
- Quillback: Undetermined
- Sauger: Sensitive
Amphibians & Reptiles
- Common Garter Snake/Red-sided Garter Snake: Sensitive
- Plains Garter Snake: Sensitive
- Western Toad/Boreal Toad: Sensitive
LICA strives to educate the public on species at risk and developed an educational flipbook which includes identification features, habitat information and threats for each At Risk and May Be at Risk species in the region.
Click on the cover photo of the flipbook to view it online. Hard copies are available to the public, at the LICA office.
For a complete list of Species at Risk across Alberta, visit the Government of Alberta Species at Risk, and Wild Species Status Search webpages.