LICA’s Acid Deposition Monitoring Program Expansion Committee (ADMPEC) was formed to assist in the development and oversight of the expansion of LICA’s Acid Deposition Monitoring Program.  The expansion of the Program will be completed in phases:

  • Phase One of the expansion will address development of an acid deposition monitoring plan to meet the needs of new regional regulatory compliance acid deposition monitoring and reporting requirements.
  • Phase Two will address implementation of the Phase One.
  • Phase Three will have a broader scope than Phase One and Two and address further enhancement of the program to implement a complete regional approach to acid deposition monitoring and reporting.

The ADMPEC is an ad-hoc committee of LICA and is supported by representation from industry, government, indigenous communities and the public.  A multi-stakeholder committee composition allows for diverse insight, expertise, and support for the development of recommendations for acid deposition monitoring.

The image below (USEPA, 2021) illustrates the pathway for acid deposition in our environment: (1) Emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are released into the air, where (2) the pollutants are transformed into acidic particles. (3) These acid particles then fall to the earth as wet and dry deposition (dust, rain, snow, etc.) and (4) may cause harmful effects on soil, forests, streams, and lakes.  LICA’s acid deposition monitoring plan will be multi-media; it will address direct deposition monitoring as well as potential acidification effects on soils and surface water.